How to Use an Air Fryer to Cook a Microwaveable Meal

How to Use an Air Fryer to Cook a Microwaveable Meal

With the help of an air fryer, you can make your favorite microwaveable meal without having to use a microwave. As most people know, microwaved food is not the best choice for your health, but convenience is always important.

Microwaves are limited because they only cook from the top and bottom. This means that heating food appropriately is challenging. Air frying solves this problem because it heats food from all angles, making it easier to prepare healthier meals in less time. Here are some simple steps to follow when you want to make a microwaveable meal:

1) Prepare your food according to the directions on the package and place it in an oven-safe dish

2) Place the dish into an air fryer basket and set heat or timer according to directions on your oven

3) Heat for the time indicated while stirring every 2 minutes

4) Serve immediately and enjoy!

How Air Fryers Differ From Microwaves

Air fryers work differently from microwaves because they heat food from all angles, while microwaves only heat the top and bottom. This means that microwaveable meals require a lot more stirring than air-fried ones.

Microwaveable meals are sometimes challenging to cook well, but this is not the case with an air fryer. The air fryer circulates hot air around the food, which cooks it evenly and quickly without drying it or leaving any parts overcooked or undercooked—perfect for crispy food!

One of the benefits of an air fryer is that you can make healthier meals by reducing your intake of fats and oils. This method also helps you avoid using unhealthy cooking methods like grilling or frying in oil.

Why Air Fryers Are A Great AlternativeTo Microwaves

As we mentioned above, microwaves don’t cook food evenly and can leave some parts undercooked while others are overcooked. Air fryers solve this problem by heating your food from all angles and allowing you to prepare healthier meals in less time.

Microwaveable meals made in an air fryer also taste better because they’re cooked on a lower heat than traditional microwaves. This means that the outside doesn’t get too crispy before the inside is fully cooked. Air frying can be a healthier option for your family.

Plus, if you’re cooking for just one or two people, using an air fryer is a more economical choice since it cooks less food at a time and uses less electricity than microwaves.

If you’ve been struggling to find ways to make healthy microwaveable meals, an air fryer might be your answer!

The Benefits Of An Air Fryer

Air fryers cook foods just as well as a conventional oven, but they take less time to do so. In addition, air frying is healthier than other cooking methods because it utilizes less oil and doesn’t create any added grease from the food being cooked. These two benefits make an air fryer an excellent option for those who want to cook microwaveable meals.

An air fryer will also save you money over time by not requiring you to buy a traditional oven, which can cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars. And with the steep installation fee that comes along with a conventional range, you’ll be saving even more money in the long run.

You may be wondering what size of tray your air fryer should have inside of it. The answer is: It depends on how much food you’re cooking at one time. An excellent place to start would be 5-6 inches deep and wide enough to fit your dish or plate inside of it comfortably.

Tips When Using An Air Fryer

An air fryer is an excellent tool for preparing healthier foods. Here are some tips if you want to use an air fryer:

1) Make sure you use it properly – An air fryer should not be used for more than 25 minutes at a time, so you must time your cooking accordingly. If you leave the food in an air fryer for too long, it can either overcook or burn

2) Be careful with liquids – Avoid putting too much liquid into the basket or any dish containing liquid. This can result in your food getting soggy and unappetizing

3) Stay cautious with oils – Oils can cause an air fryer to overheat and start smoking. It’s best to keep only one type of oil in the basket at a time so that way if one overheats, it won’t affect the other

4) Experiment!- You don’t need to stick to microwaved food all the time. There are many delicious recipes out there that are perfect for your air fryer!

Using Your Air Fryer To Cook a Microwaveable Meal

Microwaving food isn’t the healthiest thing to do, but it’s an easy way to prepare meals without spending hours in the kitchen. 

Luckily, you don’t have to give up convenience when you want faster cooking times. You can use an air fryer to make your microwaveable meal instead. Air frying heats food from all angles, which means your food will cook more evenly and be healthier. Here’s how:

1) Prepare your dish according to package instructions and place it in an oven-safe dish

2) Place the dish into an air fryer basket and set temperature or timer according to directions on your oven

3) Heat for the time indicated while stirring every 2 minutes

4) Serve immediately and enjoy!

Ideas For Making Healthier Microwaveable Meals

Now that you know how to cook healthier microwavable meals with an air fryer, here are some quick and easy ideas for making microwaveable meals.

1) Add fresh vegetables like onions, bell peppers, broccoli, or cauliflower to your meal

2) Stir in tomatoes or tomato sauce to provide more flavor

3) Swap out regular white rice for brown rice or quinoa

4) Replace half the amount of oil with non-stick cooking spray

5) Use lean meats like ground turkey instead of beef, pork, or chicken


Air fryers are an excellent alternative to microwaves. They provide the same convenience as a microwave and offer the benefits of cooking without oil. This is great for people trying to watch their weight or dietary restrictions. Air fryers are also very versatile, making them perfect for cooking various dishes. You can even use an air fryer for cooking a microwaveable meal. Next Post Best Airfryers & Buying Guide